We are so excited that we had so many people attend open house. It was fun to see all the kids interact and welcome our community of parents!
This is where you can check out all the announcements and fun activities over the next few weeks. Our interns are Lauren & Jaden, we are very excited to have them on board.
The theme for summer camp is THINGS THAT GO!
During Week 1, we will learn about cars, trains, and all the things that go...on land.
Just a reminder that doors will open everyday at 8:45 A.M.
When you arrive at the building, please take the first right and go around the circle, stopping at the designated sign. Please remain in your car. Please do not park and walk up to the building, this slows down the flow of traffic and can create congestion.
On the first day, parents are welcome to walk their children inside, but the following days all cars must go through the drop-off line. Campers will be unloaded 3 cars at a time.
Please remember to send backpacks with diapering necessities, a change of clothes, as well as a small snack, a water bottle, and a lunch.
Camp t-shirts will be sent home this week. Plan for your kids to wear them on Thursdays!
Please call or email with any questions. See you all Monday!